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About Raymond Radford


I am a senior at Radford University studying criminal justice and media studies with a concentration in journalism. I am the currently sports editor and writer for the Tartan, Radford University's student newspaper.


Outside of the classroom, I am a residential assistant, an academic coach at the Harvey Knowledge Center, conduct board representative, a brother of Lambda Alpha Epsilon currently serving as fundraising chair. Recently, I was inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma, a criminal justice honors society and Phi Kappa Phi.

I am currently on track to graduating from Radford in May of 2021. As for my plans after college, I plan on pursuing my master's in criminal justice at an accredited graduate school while working in law enforcement. 


Check out my journalism portfolio page at

My latest projects

My Latest Projects and Awards

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I have worked on a team with three other individuals that created a questionnaire survey that was distributed to over one hundred people through Qualtrics. The results of that survey were then composed on software called SPSS that give the statistical findings of our research.


The presentation was created through Prezi as it is the best method to displace a virtual research presentation. 


On November 12, 2020, this research was presented at the virtual Winter CARD with questions asked on Zoom or by text on Portfolium.



During my time in COMS 400: Communication Law and Ethics class taught by Joe Staniunas in the Fall 2020 semester. The class has looked at 1st Amendment cases that have appeared in the U.S. Supreme Court or have had an effect in today's society. These briefings are a summary of each case that the class has looked over throughout the semester. 


Each briefing was done using Microsoft Word before being scanned using Grammarly to fix any grammar issues. 


All cases were APA cited with in text citations for any quotes mentioned in the briefing. 

Police Patch


This class is based on a program facilitated by the Irondale Ensemble in Brooklyn, New York that incorporates improv with building police-community relations and improving communication skills. 


This class has helped me understand about police-community relations and we can use communication to improve those relations. All reflection papers were written using Microsoft Word and all grammar was scanned with Grammarly before submission. 

Digital Mind


This training was to help us better understand mental health issues before they became serious. The certificate in PDF form was issued by the National Council for Behavior Health.


This training better helped me understand how to handle mental health situations when they do become a serious issue. 


This training session was eight hours long and composed of discussions about mental health in small groups and videos.

  • YouTube


Achieving the best grades possible has always been a goal of mine at Radford. The best way of maintaining my GPA at high level is by earning dean's list.


I have achieved this honor five times during my time at Radford in the Fall 2017, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Fall 2020 semesters.


This PDF is composed of all five of my letters from the dean congratulating me on my academic achievements. 

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The first part in a seven-part series that is featured on Whim Magazine, Radford University Student Media's Online Magazine. In this series which was published during the Fall 2019 semester, I take readers behind the scenes into the video game world as I improve on my journalism skills.


I used Microsoft Word to write the article before putting it through Grammarly for any mistakes and lastly used WordPress to publish the article for the public to see.


This particular article looks into animators and how video game art is created. 

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I was responsible for the design of the poster promoting the event. This presented an opportunity for outside of the classroom learning experience on advertising. 


I designed the poster for the event using a free to use software while scanning the words through Grammarly to make sure that there were no mistakes made on the poster. 



In a 20 minute presentation in front of classmates, our group had a video, discussion on important figures and terms behind utilitarianism, and a class assignment conducted by me. 


This presentation helped me work on my public speaking skills along with some teaching skills that my professor complemented me for using during the assignment.  


The group used Microsoft PowerPoint to present this presentation and YouTube for the video that was presented to the class.

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